We made rocket engines, and we will set them off some time this week. What we, my table partners, did to create them was get tape, sorbitol, potassium nitrate, one small pipe, concrete, a beckon, and sandpaper. First we sticked on two pieces of tape on the bottom of the pipe. Then we had to mix sorbitol and potassium nitrate together, after that we heated and them up and stir until it became a liquid, we made sure it wouldn't turn brown because otherwise it would catch on fire.

After that was done, we quickly poured the liquid into the pipe. It was difficult to get it in, since it was drying up fast. We didn't fill it to the top, we left some space about 1 cm. When the sorbitol and potassium nitrate dried up we removed the tape from the bottom. Then we got cement mixed with water and covered up the rest of the pipe. We left the pipes to dry. It was delated today because the cement didn't dry completely.

We then went outside to launch the engine. It was a great success. If it makes a certain sound, like a loud pop or hiss, then that means it worked well.
During this experiment, I learned how to be patient. I had to wait two extra days for the fuel to dry, and for the teacher to come back one day after. Patience is key to success.
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