Thursday, January 22, 2015

Video Response to Stephan Colbert Interviews Niel Degrasse Tyson

In class, we have watched an interview with Niel Degrasse. He talked about science, how people see scientist and his thoughts and opinions on how he sees the world.

There was one quote that stood out to me, "Why is there something instead of nothing?"

The reason why I chosen this quote is because if there was nothing then there wouldn't be something. If there was nothing in life, then nothing would exist at all. In every situation there will always be something behind that door. Maybe there is nothing behind it, but there is something behind nothing. 
This quote to me, makes it difficult to understand. But I like a challenging thought experiment. It gets the person thinking and learning about a topic and themselves. 
When I read this quote I have a few thoughts about it. I think what if nothing is actually something it self. What would happen if there wouldn't be nothing? Will it be pitch dark, or snow white? Because those colors are something. What does nothing look like? Can you just see through it, like air? Because air is something too. Does nothing even exist? 


  1. These are really great thoughts Agnes. Thinking of nothing can be the ultimate thought exercise. It will drive you insane because any thought will have substance to it. The best minds in the world haven't been able to describe it well. If you're interested, here's a debate on nothing with some brilliant minds. (they don't get too far;) warning: it is long and can be dry/boring

    1. Thank you for the video! I have look into the first hour, I didn't get to see the other half. But I did find it interesting. These four professors and 1 journalist had a good way of describing the way they see nothing. The way Richard and Lawrence had so many ways they describe nothing was interesting. Like when Lawrence said, "How do billions of galaxy and stars become something out of nothing." That was an interesting thought processes.
