
Today at home I made the Lava Lamp experiment. What I got together was a water bottle, water, vegetable oil, food coloring, and Alka-Seltzer. I first filled up the water bottle with water to a quarter. Then I added some red and blue to make purple. It was more like a dark red. Then I added vegetable oil to almost the top of the bottle. Once the water was separated from the oil I put in some pieces of Alka-Seltzer. When I put them in the water underneath started to explode up to the surface making the lava lamp effect.

What I learned in this experiment is the science to this. What happens is that water molecules and oil molecules do not mix together with each other. If you try shaking them together, they will not mix at all. There would be some drops, because the oil is breaking but they won't mix. The reason why the oil floats on top of the water is because water is denser, also known as heavier. When you put in Alka-Seltzer, it reacts to the water making them mix together and making carbon dioxide. They get attached to the water and cause them to float up to the surface. When they pop the color with the water explodes. Making the effect.
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